I hope this link works and you are able to view this little video.
I am so thankful...
Go over to my music player and mute it before you watch.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
the aftermath
So this is what Emma Grace was doing while I was posting those sweet little pictures of her with her babies. She pointed at the cat and said kitty when I asked her what she did! I totally believe her. The cat put Jack's musical toothbrush in the toilet yesterday too. and he threw grapes all over the floor for the dogs to eat. and right now he is downstairs destroying the basement...
baby love
Emma loves to play with her babies. She acts like a little mama, feeding them and giving them kisses and hugs, and dressing them. It is so cute to watch! This morning she got out this cardboard box and had her babies in it and then got in it too and needed her "date" (blanket). This play lasted for hours - I wish :o) it really only lasted a few minutes then she was off to put something in the fish tank!
No posts lately, we are very boring this week! Today we are heading out though! Lunch with a friend and maybe even the mall - exciting!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Birthday Derek
We had a great weekend. Saturday, Dave and Nancy came and spent the day with us and then they took us out to eat at our favorite Italian restaraunt for supper. So yummy - especially since we got to go eat without the kids!!! Thanks Christina!
Sunday was Derek's birthday and we went to our friends house to celebrate - so much fun!!
Friday, January 23, 2009
big boy
Look at my big boy. I miss my fat little baby! Jack had his Christmas program at school today (finally after 2 postponements). He was Joseph - had a line too. He went right up to the microphone and said it just right. Ca-ute
Oh, for anyone who is worried about my Lucy dog (I know lots of you are!), she is just fine. She had a reaction to something, hives and a red belly, itching like mad - I think maybe Derek poisoned her?! Anywho, I gave her some Benadryl and she is good to go. Did you know Benadryl like knocks you out? and that kids can take it? and did I mention it knocks them, er I mean you out? Hmmm.....May come in handy. I'm just sayin'. Like maybe right now when my precious little girl will.not.take.a.nap. I'm just sayin'......
Thursday, January 22, 2009
not much new here to post, pretty boring which is nice!
Emma is napping, Jack is making some sort of gun or something out of straws and I just made banana bread. I watched my friend Christina's 4 month old baby this morning. Emma wanted him so bad! She kept kissing him and going mmwwa (you know the kissing sound!). Jack was so good with him. I have a major case of baby fever right now and watching a sweet fat baby did not help!
Jack has his Christmas program at school tomorrow (been postponed 2x because of weather) so I'll post some pics tomorrow.
We got rid of one of the bunnies yesterday, he was being mean to his brother bunny. Jack was a little upset but nothing a trip to McDonalds couldn't cure! Now if we could just get rid of the fish.....
Emma is napping, Jack is making some sort of gun or something out of straws and I just made banana bread. I watched my friend Christina's 4 month old baby this morning. Emma wanted him so bad! She kept kissing him and going mmwwa (you know the kissing sound!). Jack was so good with him. I have a major case of baby fever right now and watching a sweet fat baby did not help!
Jack has his Christmas program at school tomorrow (been postponed 2x because of weather) so I'll post some pics tomorrow.
We got rid of one of the bunnies yesterday, he was being mean to his brother bunny. Jack was a little upset but nothing a trip to McDonalds couldn't cure! Now if we could just get rid of the fish.....
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
This little girl kept us up all night last night. I don't know what was up with her, she was running around the house and waking us up constantly. Between her and her human sister (who wanted to be held all night) and brother (who had growing pains) I think we maybe got
a total of 4 hours sleep. Good thing she is so sweet! Well, sweet to only me. She is not a very friendly dog. I am the only person she likes. Derek hates her, he was about to throw her off the deck last night! She tried to bite Derek's mom on New Years eve, it was a little funny, te, he he he ;o) How could you not love this face?
Monday, January 19, 2009
Grandma cookies
Derek's mom came to visit this weekend. It is so nice to have her here. She is such a big help with the kids and they really love her and enjoy spending time with her. She does so much fun stuff with them. They are very lucky they have such great grandparents. They played out in the snow and made Valentine's cookies. Saturday she watched the kids while Derek watched Illinois get whooped at his friends house and I went shopping and to lunch with my friend Christina. Great day - especially after being cooped up all weekend!
cutie pie
Emma and Derek, how sweet! Every time we get out the camera or even mention the words camera or cheese, she gets this huge cheeseball grin!!
What do you think of Emma's new lipstick? She for reals knows how to open ALL drawers now and got out Jack's dry erase markers last night. I always put my lipgloss on her when I am getting ready and she puckers up and looks in the mirror and thinks she is so special - so I guess she thought this was lipgloss!
Friday, January 16, 2009
woo woo
Guess who is getting out of the house today? Yep, I even have on makeup and everything. And I changed outa my jammies. Sassy....
(it only took me forty eleven tries to get this sassy self pic!)
(it only took me forty eleven tries to get this sassy self pic!)
Uh yah, I need to get a life, I'm super excited to got to the Wal Marts and the grocery store. Don't worry Grandmas, I'm not taking the kids out in this frigid weather (29 below 0) a babysitter is coming over and bringing her little brother as backup to wear Jack out! Also, she needs to focus her full attention on little miss likes to throw everything in the fish tank, and knows how to open drawers. Grrr...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
a little crazy up in here
So, it is day 3 of hibernation - and we are going a litlle bit cookoo. The temp outside is 20 below 0! No school and no leaving the house for us today - hopefully we will get out tomorrow. Jack and I did a little project with marshmallows and toothpicks while Emma was sleeping, he ate most of the finished project. I will pay for that in an hour or so when the sugar kicks in!
Here is miss Emma today. Last night she fell on our bed and got a pretty good bruise and bump on her forehead, ow. Look how long her hair is getting in the back. She has a super mullett! Her sides will catch up soon I hope!
Here is miss Emma today. Last night she fell on our bed and got a pretty good bruise and bump on her forehead, ow. Look how long her hair is getting in the back. She has a super mullett! Her sides will catch up soon I hope!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Pictures of the day
Do you like Emma's new necklace? She was having fun with my big ol granny panties while I was busy watching the Real Housewives of Orange County - er I mean while I was busy cleaning. Have you ever watched that show though? It is like an accident, I don't want to see but I just can't look away!
We made Texas sheet cake last night since I figured we would be snowed in today (which we are). It is so yummy and the kids really enjoyed "helping"!

Emma was so cute putting lotion on her baby doll. What you can't see is the diaper cream on Emma's mouth and also on her baby's mouth!
So we are homebound today, it is so nice. We are in blizzard conditions and tonight the windchill is supposed to be 30-45 below 0. I am so thankful that we are snuggly and warm in our house. Now, I am a little worried about our little bunnysickles outside...
We made Texas sheet cake last night since I figured we would be snowed in today (which we are). It is so yummy and the kids really enjoyed "helping"!
Emma was so cute putting lotion on her baby doll. What you can't see is the diaper cream on Emma's mouth and also on her baby's mouth!
So we are homebound today, it is so nice. We are in blizzard conditions and tonight the windchill is supposed to be 30-45 below 0. I am so thankful that we are snuggly and warm in our house. Now, I am a little worried about our little bunnysickles outside...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Oh boy
Good blogger
I am going to try to keep up with this blog a little more - we'll see how it goes!
This is how we see Derek a lot lately, ever since he discovered crackbook, er I mean Facebook!! Tonight he said "I have 16 friends now". It sounded so pitiful! Get a life buddy!!!!!
A nice lady at our church gave the kids a Gingerbread house kit yesterday so that was our project today. Not so good. Jack had so much fun doing it though, that's all that matters, right? :o) It all fell apart, I can't get more than a few pictures to post on here at one time so I'll make another post with a pic of the finished product.
This is how we see Derek a lot lately, ever since he discovered crackbook, er I mean Facebook!! Tonight he said "I have 16 friends now". It sounded so pitiful! Get a life buddy!!!!!
A nice lady at our church gave the kids a Gingerbread house kit yesterday so that was our project today. Not so good. Jack had so much fun doing it though, that's all that matters, right? :o) It all fell apart, I can't get more than a few pictures to post on here at one time so I'll make another post with a pic of the finished product.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Jon and Shannon
Derek's brother Jon and his wife Shannon came to Pekin to visit last week and boy did we have fun! We only get to see them a couple times a year since they live in Branson and Jon is a superstar there and all :o) I wanted to post all these pictures individually so I could comment on them but I couldn't figure out how to post more than 3 at a time so I just made a collage. you can click on it to see the pictures larger. Jack and Emma loved Jon and Shannon. Especially Jack though, for reals. He even slept with them at night! He did not leave Jon's side, which gave Derek and I a little break! We drank way too much and played lots of games. Our favorite was Apples to Apples - we will be getting this one. We played lots of American Idol on the Wii too. As you can see from the collage photo, my SIL Darcey thinks she is a superstar- whateva. We all know I am the real singer (and dancer) of the family! There is also a pic of the kids with Jon and Shannon - doing the robot. That is one of my Favorites. We had so many good memories this week, they will have to hold us over until we go to Branson this Spring.
Here are a few pictures of the kids I like.
Jack was out playing in the snow and had to bring some in the house to show me - love the look on his face!
"Are these for me?" Emma is a climber - she got up on the kitchen table to inspect some presents. Of course I had to break out the camera instead of immediately making her get down!
New Year's eve
We had a little party for New Years eve. Derek's parents all came over, and our friends Jeremy, Jesica and their son Aiden and our friends Jason, Christina and their son Jaiden came over too. try to get Aiden and Jaiden straight after a "few" martini's. Not easy!! We did make it up until midnight though - that is late for us old timers :o) We played Rock band and American Idol on the Wii. Jack had so much fun!
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