Sunday, October 24, 2010
Emma has been saying the funniest things lately. She always keeps us on our toes ;o) Afew weeks ago her baby doll was stuck in it's highchair and she told Derek "I can't get my freakin' baby outta this high chair" then later that day (after Derek told her she shouldn't say freakin) she said "daddy, I said freakin baby again". We are working on her going #2 in the potty (instead of a diaper) so one day she went potty by herself then came and got me and said "mommy, I dropped a turd in the potty". Real cute. But she really did so we had a potty dance party! Then yesterday I told her to poop in the potty and she says "that would be great, but I'm not gonna do that". For some reason she is very interested in skinny jeans right now. This morning she felt my pants and said "mommy, do you have on skinny jeans?" then at church we had to ask out favorite babysitter is she has skinny jeans. She is precious!!!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
sad day
Yesterday Lucy died. It was so sad. We had to have her put down. She has always had health problems then last week she was dianosed with diabetes. So on top of the 4 other meds she was getting twice a day I had to give her insulin injections twice a day too. Yesterday she woke up and was not doing well so I took her to the vet and she was very sick. Poor girl. I miss her. Derek and I got her right after we were told we would never be able to have children . She was a year older than Jack. She was my girl...
Ok, so here is what has been going on with us the last couple months. Derek started a new job at work - he is in training to become a licensed operator, the same thing he did in Michigan before we moved. He is excited for the change. My mom and gary got married - what a great time that was! Here is a pic from the day but I will do a seperate post with more pictures later. My laptop got a virus last week but thankfully our friend was able to get it fixed and saved all our pictures. Yes, I have ALL the pictures from the wedding on my computer and no I did not back them up. Oh Lordy I'm glad I didn't lose those pictures! Don't tell my mother!!! Jack started 1st grade. He is getting so big. Just got his first report card of the year and he did great. He got "exceeds grade level" in all the math sections. Obviously he takes after me. He also started piano lessons - apparently he is pretty good. He really likes to play and we even got a free piano - can't beat that! Emma started preschool. It was a little rough at first since she doesn't want to leave my side right now. But now she loves it! She is a pistol - I'll do a whole post on some funny things she's been saying lately. I had surgery again, it was minor and went well but of couse it got infected. I'm fine now though. We got a new puppy last month - a Yorkie. Derek named him. Leroy. He is so cute!
Let's see what else is going on? I guess that pretty much is it. we are enjoying Fall, although it has been hot here lately. this weekend is perfect Fall weather though. we are working in the house and relaxing - love it!
I know, I know. It's been a long time!
I am planning on catching up on the blog a lot this weekend. So much has been going on in the last 2 months! I will post as I can. in the meantime, here is a picture of Emma. She is such a girlie girl. She wants her picture taken all the time ;o)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The ballerina
Friday, August 6, 2010
Who invited them?
birthday party

My bestie

the girl
vacation bible school
chez poulet
Monday, July 12, 2010
look who's gettin' hitched!

Okay, geesh
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I don't want to complain, but...
The genius that came up with the idea of summer vacation from school was obviously a man with a full time job.. My kids are fighting nonstop! I hope this doesn't last or we are gonna have a loooong summer! I guess it doesn't help that now I have the stomach flu. Calgon, take me away!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
under the weather

Friday, May 28, 2010
busy, busy
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hot tub time
It's not whether you win or lose it's how you play the game

Friday, April 16, 2010
Happy Friday!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Girl's only!
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