I am really going to try to post more often, really! I am just so busy with my little brute and my big smarty pants! Emma has learned how to climb on the kitchen chairs and then up onto the kitchen table - she is so proud of herself! Look at the second picture - "ut-oh, Mommy caught me! I'm so cute though I will get away with it!".

And of course she is so stinkin' cute what can I do but to get my camera and encourage her?! See, 3rd pic "You know you think I am a cutie mommy!!". So, now for the brute part - oh and please excuse the messy house in the pics, we are painting this week - so I watched my friend Jesica's baby Aiden and Emma was so jealous. It was like the WWF around here! She just wanted me to have nothing to do with him. She also kept saying "baby" over and over. He has on a little headband to mold his head and it is a good thing - for protection from the little terror. She was trying to get it off and I think she would have loved to be able to just pick him up (by his helmet!) and "love" on him like she does her baby dolls! I still haven't quite figured out how to post pictures in this blog so I will add a few more on another post of Jack and Aiden. Jack on the other hand was so good with Aiden, he just wanted to sit and hold him - such a sweet boy.
Tomorrow Emma is going on her first shopping trip to Chicago! - with Grandma, Aunt Darcey and Mommy. So excited! What will Emma wear? Hmmm....she has no clothes :o)
Jack is going to stay home and "help" Grandpa Chris paint.
Emma has sid something new - GRANDMA! You can only imagine how excited Christie was - Emma even said "hi Grandma" on the phone to her!
She is also nodding her head yes and no - too smart.
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