I think we need one of these little piggies! Now that we are down to 2 dogs again (Delbert went to doggie heaven Monday) I think we for sure need another animal. Derek - I just know that you will agree with me. How can we resist this cute little porker - te, he, he....Grandmas, if you truly love your grandkids you would get them one of these little mini pigs for Easter ;o) You don't need to mention it to Derek, he'll be just fine with it. In fact I asked him and he said it is a great idea! Yah, he said that. sure he did. Really he did.
Seriously?!?!??!??!? Derek gives you an inch with a new puppy and your stretchin it for a mile...lol
This is a cute little critter! But, since I want my son to continue speaking to me, this Grandma is going to pass on the Easter gift!
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