So, 3 people in my house have strep throat. and I am not one of them. Yet... Well actually Jack is the only confirmed case, but Emma's tonsils are touching each other (ewww) and since Jack has been so sick her dr. called in an rx and said she probably has strep. derek is sick too - and very dramatic by the way ;o) So here I sit. with my favorite drink ever - a bullshot. vodka, beef broth, worcestershire, lemon, salt&pepper. if you know me well you know I don't measure any ingredients, I just throw it together. Yum. and much needed. I may have another. I took a few pics of the drinks to post here but Jack asked me why I was taking pictures of my drink. then I felt like a loser. which I am. all these sick people are making me crazy up in here. and I found out today that dogs can get strep too. so I'm sure I'll be making a trip to the vet tomorrow for doggie antibiotics beacause you know my dogs like to be included in everything...
On another note, Emma is going in tomorrow for an ultrasound on her kidneys. Please say a prayer for her that nothing is wrong. thanks. from crazytown